Thursday, May 23, 2024

Use Metalics for Seize the Birthday

 Hello friends.  Time for a new challenge at Seize the Birthday and Ashwini would like us to Use Metallics on our birthday cards.


I used some textured gold foil cardstock for my metallics, cutting the mat, sentiment (Memory Box Birthday Posh Script) and the center of the bloom.  The flower is Honey Bee Lovely Layers Anemone die set.  I cut the flower layers from lt. blue card and blended Bashful Blue ink in the centers before gluing it together.  I also shaped the petals with my fingers to give it a little dimension.  The leaves are cut from SU Soft Sea Foam and blended with the same ink.  It gives a little shading to them.  I also added the cute little flower bud from the same set.  The white panel is embossed with SU Tasteful Textile EF.

 Be sure to check out all the great inspiration with metallics over at Seize the Birthday.  Hope to see you in our gallery.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Have a wonderful day.

Happy Stamping,


  1. Soft and pretty with shine gives a lovely finished card. I like your colour choices too.

  2. JoAnn, pretty flower with your gold metallic sentiment and frame.

  3. What a lovely shade of light blue! Wonderful card, JoAnn!

  4. More of those soft pastels are so pretty, Joann! Love this flower and the elegance of the gold sentiment and frame!

  5. You are such a great creator of soft and gentle flowers for your card. It needed was the metallic sentiment and border to make it complete.

  6. Fabulous design with the border and sentiment shining through for the metallic look! Nice soft blue flowers, which flowers are your specialty!

  7. Very pretty card - love the soft blue flower

  8. Sweet, sweet card, JoAnn! I do love your incorporation of gold foil into those florals. They look lovely.

  9. Love the green and blue with the gold! That's such a great choice of flower die - goes really well with the sentiment. Gorgeous card!

  10. The gold sentiment and border are perfect for your delicate anemone, JoAnn. Fab card!

  11. Another gorgeous floral JoAnn, set off perfectly with the gold, thankyou for your get well wishes too, Cathy x


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